
Issues | Purchase | Links | Fifth Season

Fang, Claw & Steel  - Artists and Writers

Many of the artists and writers whose work has appeared in Fang, Claw & Steel have websites of their own or have samples of their work at online archives.  Here they are listed in alphabetical order.
Steve Artelle Richard J. Bartrop John Boulton Lea Cogburn Gary Coulborne
Melissa Drake Eric Elliott Rodford Edmiston Megan Giles Goldenwolf
Hiker Allan Kemp Allen Kitchen Kyoht  Loopy
Gre7g Luterman Lyka Laura Lyle NightEyes Frank Parr
Margaret Petrie Roy D. Pounds II Heather Riesen Ben Robinson Will A. Sanborn
Chris Sawyer Bill Schmickle David Schneberger Jay Shell Silfur
Silverfox Synnabar Talon Genesis Whitmore Michael D. Winkle
Torrle Z Wolf Wookiee Scott Zellman

Lycanthropete - Follow the continuing adventutes of Pete and his friends at their own website.

Buster Wilde: Weerwolf - Follow the continuing adventutes of Buster at his own website.

Rabbit Valley- Check out the many fine furry publications available from this excellent mail order company.

Lycanthropic Links

Here's a few werecreatured-focused sites to get you started.  Each also has a more extensive set of links to other lycanthropy-related sites.

Temple of Luna

Grey Coyote's Lair

WolfCountry - The Werewolf Country